Become a Shaper

What is the Global Shapers Community?

An Initiative of the World Economic Forum, the Global Shapers Community is a network of Hubs developed and led by young people between 18 and 27 years old who are exceptional in their potential, their achievements, and their drive to address local, regional, and global challenges. With more than 13,000 members, the Global Shapers Community spans 448 city-based hubs in 150 countries.

Who should apply?

✅ You are an exceptional and self motivated individual with great potential for future leadership roles in society. 

✅ You are between 18 and 27 years old at the time of application. 

✅ Must be a permanent resident of Ulaanbaatar City

✅ You want to meet and work with dynamic young people from across sectors and industries and be part of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Community.

How to apply?

We take in new applicants once a year in Fall around August or September.

Application Process

Potential Global Shapers must first complete an application form. We evaluate all applications based on a variety of factors, including demonstrated impact, time commitment, the benefit the applicant would receive from joining the Global Shapers Community, and what new ideas the candidate can offer to our hub. This guarantees that we continue to be a varied center that represents our community.

Successful individuals will be invited to an interview, during which we will assess your past experience, impact, aspirations, and reasoning for applying to our hub. 

Our application process is based on the principles of equal opportunity regardless of background, strives for fair evaluation at all levels, and ensures that candidates are willing to commit the effort and effort required to be a part of Ulaanbaatar hub. 


Please feel free to contact us at , or message us directly on our Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn Page. 

Apply here!